The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - The CHAOS of Night 3

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by UhohitsJulianna »

Lotha wrote:No, that means I'm thinking things through since obviously I have no way of telling whether you're lying or not unless I consider all possible outcomes.

I'm gonna have to wait and see what Cam and Dissident have to add to this turn of events before I cast my vote.

Also really curious what Julianna and Silver think.

Summer, I never thought I'd say this, but YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE I CAN TRUST NOW
SO in my initial list you'll see Ubik was right there with Micky for me:
UhohitsJulianna wrote: 5. Micky. I think the questions and statements asked at this time hasn't really proven to be one way or another, but I just haven't made up my mind on what the play is here. So I'm just going to keep ya here in the middle for the time being.

7. Ubik. I feel the same way about Ubik as Micky. For me their slots could be interchangeable. Both have provided very logical statements. Ubik has started trying to give us more to think about but this has given me the "mafia trying to gauge townies thoughts" vibe. Although logical and I agree with their posts- the timing and question about the mafia invite was pretty strategic. It just raised my suspicions a bit more as the mafia player trying to gauge the room if you will.

Ubik and Timo both came out the gate trying to consolidate everyone's thoughts. For whatever reason I trusted Timo, but did not trust Ubik.
Once Ubik made the cop claim and proved it with the Micky vote I figured I should try to trust him as he's continued playing the same game I just misread him at first, but I also saw it as a great move for Mafia. Claim a role that would be suicide to anyone who counter claims while outing a teammate to gain trust with the group. I was honestly reading Timo as the cop so when he was dead it made me wonder if the mafia thought the same thing?
When we all started to claim I had honestly expected a second cop to pop up- since one hasn't I'm forced to either believe Ubik is a traitor or the real deal.

Concerning Inc- I expected the initial claim to be a lie so the reveal that she's Shallan doesn't really shock me. I'm still not sure on the overall strategy she had with it? I might've missed the explanation, but Inc if you would care to share now that it appears to have been cracked open. What was the point of claiming a role such as Szeth on day one knowing that eventually the truth would come out like this and the mafia could use that sowed doubt to turn the group against you?

Zaz- I don't understand why you would be Shallan and claim Szeth? The crappy part about this is the truth to his claim will decide the truth on Inc.

I think I'd like to hear more from Zaz and Inc.
Depending on what they have to say and their feelings on the matter will in return help me make up my mind about Ubik and I think I'd be able to make a better vote from there, but at this time I'm not feeling so great about our cop.
Last edited by UhohitsJulianna on Wed Jul 22, 2020 9:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by UhohitsJulianna »

I also can't get the hang of the damn quoting on here. So apologies for the dup post as it was an accident and idk how to remove it XD

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Lotha »

Delete your first and last quote bracket and you'll be just fine. :D
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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by UhohitsJulianna »

Lotha wrote:Delete your first and last quote bracket and you'll be just fine. :D
Haha thanks-the struggle is real XD

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Lotha »

Heheheh you're welcome -- you figured it out much faster than I did, back in the day :P
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Re: Stupid WiFi.

Post by Inconquerable »

Inconquerable wrote:
Ubik wrote:But if Summer is cleared as we think, she'll be the target the night after. If there's "another" Dalinar that misunderstood the plan, we need to know that, and that's where the claiming comes in.

I'm not feeling great right now that you seem to be saying you lied about your role on day 1, and are now trying to stop us catching other people lying so that we can use our vigilantes, something you previously said was one of our best assets.
Ok this I agree with. My other thought on this is that somebody who wasn't around could have already put in an immediate kill before the plan was laid out (Silver who posted once, Dissident maybe), but this could be lingering Summer doubts.

Being protective of Lift though has nothing to do with vigilantes? I still do this they're very important roles, which I'll go into more in this post, but Lift is also a big asset to the town.
Lotha wrote:Mafia has no reason to target anyone other than Wit, then Dalinar. They could throw me into the mix, but I'll use my night kill anyway and it'll go through regardless of whether or not they target me, so the only thing they can do is start a bandwagon vote on me at this point.

I'm gonna want your real role now, Inc, or you're the one getting killed tonight, by me.
Yes, absolutely on Wit, why Dalinar though? The ability is already used up, might as well keep them around and get rid of the stronger roles no? But also, as I mentioned before, Ubik almost certainly dies tonight, but in night four, the chance of them getting Lift is higher if Lift is not outed.

But, ok. I'm fine with this based on your post after this about Lift needing to be a day target at this point, which I hadn't considered and do agree with. I'm Shallan. And... I might as well get into all of this now since I'm coming clean about everything. I had pre-written my first post before I even had my role, and had really hoped that I had gotten Tien. My thinking was, I ask for the doctor to protect me, mafia attempts to night kill me, we get a mafia on the first night, and we keep going from there. So to answer your question from much earlier in the game, that's part of why I asked for the doctor's protection. The other reason Summer actually laid out very well.
zazisaspaz wrote:I agree it’s not necessarily the most vital, but it could protect the cop or the doctor from being discovered by mafia. Just in case anyone else was confused by this role, I figured I would share that tidbit :)
I initially did not understand the role at all. I thought honestly that it was anti-town, and I had mentioned to Ubik before the game that I hoped I would get it so it wouldn't be used. But I spoke to Andy more about it and he told me essentially what Summer said above. The best use of the role is to find the real doctor, then disguise somebody else in order to protect the real doctor's identity, hoping that we somehow managed to select the same person. It was still a long shot though and I wasn't likely to use it.

Which leads me to pre-answer what I imagine will be your next question... I have not used my illusion on anybody else. I didn't think that I had found the doctor until we were into day two. I reread Lotha's response posts to my claim and thought that her anger at me requesting the doctor's help was possibly a hint that she was the doctor. I was going to disguise myself as the doctor overnight to protect her role in case I was the night kill (which felt possible), but then she made her last post before the end of day and then I figured she's either Lift or Jasnah. I had no idea that Timo was the doctor, I thought maybe Szeth or Jasnah since he wanted me to claim which vigilante I was, but never even considered him being the doctor. My only other thought was maybe Silver since she was so weirded out by my claim as well. I did disguise myself as Kaladin last night anyway, because I thought with the cop outed, I could try to save the real doctor's role.

So why did I claim vigilante as Shallan right off the bat then? It's what I said earlier: A) to keep posts as on topic as possible, which is something I try to do anyway because day one tends to be wasted, and B) to protect the vigilantes. If I claim vigilante and mafia comes after me instead of one of them at night, they're still safe. The timing I mentioned in my initial post was to hint at being Szeth. Was it the greatest plan in the world? Meh, probably not, I think it would have been great if I had gotten Tien, but I don't think it was a wash either. I believe I also said to Lotha at some point that I wasn't overly concerned with how I looked later on in the game, I still stand by that. Especially now since the cop is outed and the doctor has been killed. My role is all but useless at this point in helping town, and everybody claiming their roles basically renders it 100% useless, which was also part of my earlier concern.

I think that's everything. If anybody has questions let me know. Also for the record... I really dislike claim clears. Like if you still want to vote me out because I lied about my role initially, I'm really fine with it. This isn't game throwing, I just like to think that my play should clear me more than role claiming.
@Julianna: My explanation from yesterday still holds true. The reason it doesn't jive with what Ubik is saying is because he's lying about his investigation result. That's the only explanation I have for it at this point. My day one play was a reaction test through and through.

The WiFi at work is out (so why am I here? Good question!) so I'll be popping in and out. I'll answer anything I can, longer answers will have to wait until I'm back home.

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Andy92 »

Not much of an early bird myself. :D

If there is a traitor, the regular town has to kill everyone to win, including the traitor. Nale is out now, so if the town kills Odium and Re-Shephir, I would reveal there is a traitor at that point if applicable and the game would continue.
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: Stupid WiFi.

Post by UhohitsJulianna »

Inconquerable wrote: @Julianna: My explanation from yesterday still holds true. The reason it doesn't jive with what Ubik is saying is because he's lying about his investigation result. That's the only explanation I have for it at this point. My day one play was a reaction test through and through.
Thank you for this. I believe your play made you a good target for the mafia to split the vote and stir up trust more than anything at this point in the game.
As stated earlier- Inc was the first obvious target (in my eyes) and she definitely ruffled some feathers with her initial claim. Now that she's been high in everyone's lists and some individuals started looking very suspicious- it would make sense that the mafia would drop a bomb to try and redirect attention to her as she is one of the "trusted" townies who many players have already had their doubts-so getting people to turn on her is more likely.

I mean it worked XD I'm not fully sold on this theory, but it's a strategy I'd like to open for discussion if anyone else has any speculations on the topic.

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Andy92 »

Day 3 vote tally:

The Dissident votes for Silver
Silver votes for zazthespaz
Ubik votes for Incon

With 8 players remaining, 5 votes are needed for a kill.
Last edited by Andy92 on Wed Jul 22, 2020 11:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: I'm going to have to think today, aren't I?

Post by zazthespaz »

What is this?! While I appreciate the vote of confidence from Ubik of me being a townie, there's no way I'm Shallan. Plus, it's since been edited out, but didn't you initially say you investigated Timo here?

I do not doubt that Ubik is the cop, but I 100% believe now that he was recruited by the mafia. Probably recruited night 2 - mafia found out who the cop was after he started the kill on Micky. They took a risk, hired him and are now using his knowledge to eliminate high value targets on the townie side. (See: Timo - I'm assuming Ubik's not told the outcome of his investigation until the next day, but maybe he investigated Timo night 1) I've already made my role claim and after Lotha, I'm the biggest threat towards the mafia of the 6 townies who remain with one vote already against me. I've said it before, mafia thrives in chaos - portraying me with 2 roles (maybe 3 if you believe Silver) is pretty chaotic, especially when you add on the factor of Inconquerable creating the chaos. Keep in mind, Inconquerable is and has been in everyone's top 3 of least suspicious this whole time. From a mafia standpoint, she needs to be removed ASAP, especially given how her role stands to affect Ubik's investigations.

Devil's advocate time: There is the chance that Ubik's investigation is true. Inconquerable might've suspected me of being Szeth based on my aforementioned Easter Egg and wanted to protect me from a scenario like this. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't believe there was any suspicion of Ubik being recruited on Day 2 - especially since Ubik had just killed a mafia and nothing in Inconquerable's novels seem to indicate that this is the case.

Vote: Ubik

Edit: FWIW, I think the mafia team is Silver, Ubik as a recruit, and probably Dissident
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Re: I'm going to have to think today, aren't I?

Post by Ubik »

zazthespaz wrote:What is this?! While I appreciate the vote of confidence from Ubik of me being a townie, there's no way I'm Shallan. Plus, it's since been edited out, but didn't you initially say you investigated Timo here?

I do not doubt that Ubik is the cop, but I 100% believe now that he was recruited by the mafia. Probably recruited night 2 - mafia found out who the cop was after he started the kill on Micky. They took a risk, hired him and are now using his knowledge to eliminate high value targets on the townie side. (See: Timo - I'm assuming Ubik's not told the outcome of his investigation until the next day, but maybe he investigated Timo night 1) I've already made my role claim and after Lotha, I'm the biggest threat towards the mafia of the 6 townies who remain with one vote already against me. I've said it before, mafia thrives in chaos - portraying me with 2 roles (maybe 3 if you believe Silver) is pretty chaotic, especially when you add on the factor of Inconquerable creating the chaos. Keep in mind, Inconquerable is and has been in everyone's top 3 of least suspicious this whole time. From a mafia standpoint, she needs to be removed ASAP, especially given how her role stands to affect Ubik's investigations.

Devil's advocate time: There is the chance that Ubik's investigation is true. Inconquerable might've suspected me of being Szeth based on my aforementioned Easter Egg and wanted to protect me from a scenario like this. However, and correct me if I'm wrong, I don't believe there was any suspicion of Ubik being recruited on Day 2 - especially since Ubik had just killed a mafia and nothing in Inconquerable's novels seem to indicate that this is the case.

Vote: Ubik

Edit: FWIW, I think the mafia team is Silver, Ubik as a recruit, and probably Dissident
Okay, so that's ruled out one avenue. I said I investigated Timo (nice use of mod powers, by the way) to make mafia think I had nothing on them, because I wasn't sure if there'd be a double claim on Shallan. After about five minutes I decided I didn't want to lie, so edited it out to say I was holding back. Which I did.

But okay, this works now.


I will be shown as the non-traitor cop.

If Jasnah is Lotha - she should kill Inc, who will have been shown to be lying.
If Jasnah is not Lotha - they should kill Lotha. Inc should be killed on day 4.

zaz is holding steady on Szeth. So, whoever's the real Szeth should kill the fake claimer.

If there's no Jasnah kill - Lotha is the traitor, kill her and Inc during the day phases.

If the Szeth kill takes place instead of the mafia night kill - Szeth is the traitor.

There's a townie Shallan somewhere who seems to have cast an illusion of Shallan on someone else, either zaz directly, or else he's Re-Shephir. I'd like them to speak up just so I can figure out what's gone on better, but not essential I guess.
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Re: I just ban robots in this role. It's boring as hell!

Post by zazthespaz »

Ubik wrote:Okay, so that's ruled out one avenue. I said I investigated Timo (nice use of mod powers, by the way)
Nipping this in the bud right now - I have never, and will never, abuse mod powers for the sake of a mafia game. Literally said right here that I wasn't sleeping well - happened to open TABN and saw your post at the right time.
zazthespaz wrote:
zazisaspaz wrote:3) Zaz/Cam is still too quiet for my liking.
zazisaspaz wrote:3.5) but it could also be because he felt that Inc was claiming his role and he was confused... or maybe he’s got more to hide
Combination of sleeping like garbage leading to sleeping in and intentionally laying low. I've been trying to avoid calling attention to myself because I'm Szeth and didn't want the mafia eliminating me before I could make a kill (see:)
Plus, as far as I know, there is no way for me to review the original post after it's been edited. I see the same thing on an edited post I saw before:

And here's how your post looks to me:

For those curious, the buttons in the top right are (in order) "Edit Post" "Delete Post" "Report this Post" "Warn User" "Information" (I've never used, looked into it, just shows the post and ip addresses the user has used) and "Quote". If the function is there to review pre-edit posts, it might be an admin too which I don't have access to, I can't even change rank names with my current rank.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.
gbruin wrote:
Go reread what zaz says

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Re: I just ban robots in this role. It's boring as hell!

Post by Ubik »

zazthespaz wrote:
Ubik wrote:Okay, so that's ruled out one avenue. I said I investigated Timo (nice use of mod powers, by the way)
Nipping this in the bud right now - I have never, and will never, abuse mod powers for the sake of a mafia game. Literally said right here that I wasn't sleeping well - happened to open TABN and saw your post at the right time.
Okay, that's my bad. Your name wasn't online when I posted or edited, so maybe you were a guest.
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Re: Data subject!

Post by Inconquerable »

So ok, after Andy's post about the traitor, I don't know who I'd prefer to vote for at this point. For the traitor theory to work (and it's still possible... I guess that it's not true but Ubik has claimed that somebody else is Shallan so...), Dissident has to be mafia. I think the Szeth stuff will clear itself up tonight so I'm not worried about that right now.

Good news is, Lotha's kill will go through if she chooses to use it tonight. So I would say vote for one of either Ubik or Dissident, and then kill the other in the night. The Szeths will solve themselves and... that would be it right?

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Lotha »

Lol provided you, Silver, and Julianna are not the real mafia team.

This game's giving me a goddamn headache. I'll be back in a few hours if I've managed to come to any sensible conclusion.

Why the heck are you voting yourself, Ubik? When did this alleged investigation of Timo happen? Ugh

@Andy if we vote Ubik out, will we know if he was the traitor or not?
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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Ubik »

Lotha wrote:Lol provided you, Silver, and Julianna are not the real mafia team.

This game's giving me a goddamn headache. I'll be back in a few hours if I've managed to come to any sensible conclusion.

Why the heck are you voting yourself, Ubik? When did this alleged investigation of Timo happen? Ugh

@Andy if we vote Ubik out, will we know if he was the traitor or not?
It wouldn't make much sense if you didn't find out someone was a traitor on death.

Honestly because everyone knows this would be a dumb plan for the mafia to make, yet people still think I'd have come up with it, and the situation is so complicated that I'm too tired to argue a ton. The only way I can see to prove that Inc is mafia now is by proving that I'm not, and it still gives the town a good chance. Timo wasn't investigated, I had it in my post to tempt the mafia into thinking I had nothing for five minutes before editing it out because it felt like it would undermine what I'd eventually reveal. Night one was Micky, night two was zaz.

If I'm proven mafia, Dissident will also be mafia. It should be me or Inc that gets killed, that's the only way you'll learn more.
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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Andy92 »

If the traitor is voted out they will be exposed as the traitor upon death.

Assuming there is a traitor.
anguyen92 wrote:Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: Perspective subject.

Post by Inconquerable »

Ubik wrote:
Lotha wrote:Lol provided you, Silver, and Julianna are not the real mafia team.

This game's giving me a goddamn headache. I'll be back in a few hours if I've managed to come to any sensible conclusion.

Why the heck are you voting yourself, Ubik? When did this alleged investigation of Timo happen? Ugh

@Andy if we vote Ubik out, will we know if he was the traitor or not?
It wouldn't make much sense if you didn't find out someone was a traitor on death.

Honestly because everyone knows this would be a dumb plan for the mafia to make, yet people still think I'd have come up with it, and the situation is so complicated that I'm too tired to argue a ton. The only way I can see to prove that Inc is mafia now is by proving that I'm not, and it still gives the town a good chance. Timo wasn't investigated, I had it in my post to tempt the mafia into thinking I had nothing for five minutes before editing it out because it felt like it would undermine what I'd eventually reveal. Night one was Micky, night two was zaz.

If I'm proven mafia, Dissident will also be mafia. It should be me or Inc that gets killed, that's the only way you'll learn more.
I don't think it's a dumb plan to bus a partner if you've switched sides. But like... look at it from my perspective. Assume that I am Shallan for a second, and all the sudden the cop comes into the thread claiming that somebody else has my role. What am I supposed to think? And yeah from your perspective if you haven't switched sides, your conclusion makes complete sense. I don't have that information though, all I know is you've come in here claiming that somebody else is Shallan, which cannot be true from my perspective.

Look this is far from concrete, something real weird is going on. If consensus is to kill me for the information, that's fine, all of this role claiming will have made it pretty easy for the real vigilantes to take their shots properly if they haven't converted. I just really don't see how else I'm meant to look at this scenario realistically.

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Re: The Stormlight Archive Mafia - Life Before Death - Day Three

Post by Ubik »

Thanks Andy.

So basically if you kill me and I'm a mafia traitor - Dissident was lying about the mafia offer, and one of the Szeth claims will be mafia. That's the whole bunch right there.

If I'm not - you've got Inc and the other double claims to look into.
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Re: Vote subject.

Post by Inconquerable »

Ok well we're nine hours before the deadline, I'm putting a vote down. I'm willing to switch to Ubik, but I'm going with Dissident right now because to me, if Ubik is a traitor cop, he's gotten all of the information here that he needs, and even if he hasn't, he can just lie on his next investigation to try to keep the heat off of his teammates. Whereas with Dissident, I see him hinting at being Lift ("I'm not worth your shot"), and between him and Julianna, I believe Julianna. And again for my traitor theory to work, Dissident has to be mafia first so they could pull off what I think they did in day two.


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