DUST - The Second Part

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by daysgoneby »

The style of Dust is what I like most from Tremonti!! I love the heavy stuff too, but Mark can play some damn pretty melodies!! Can't knock the smile off of my face when listening to it. Give me more!!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by MylesKennedyIsGod »

I don't know why I think this, but Dust may the quickest ~5.5 minute song in history
Thanks DonHarry!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Electricladyland »

For a song that's not heavy, this is pretty bad ass. The break between the verse and the chorus made my jaw drop when I first listened to it. Solid song!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by joshuabeau »

It's for sure became my favorite Tremonti song. The chorus is so damn catchy. And the bridge/breakdown is fantastic!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by MylesKennedyIsGod »

MylesKennedyIsGod wrote:I'll start out by saying I do like 'Dust' the song...but as a single? Especially the first? I'm not quite sure...I would have gone with something heavier...but the solo. My god. I've always said Leave It Alone is my favorite solo of all-time--even compared to Blackbird. This could surpass LiA given time! :rockon :rockon :rockon
Ok maybe that was a little premature...I could see this being a great single (but given we've heard less than 10% of the album, there very well could be a better first single). Definitely a better song than Another Heart. I hope Tremonti kicks some serious radio ass with this tune. So much emotion. So relatable too

"Why did you head out--did you lack the love?
Hide from our eyes now,the reflection of" :rockon

We can always count on Mark and Myles to bring out the purest emotions in us. Can't wait for Dust and AB5...can't forget about Slash&Conspirators 3 too!!!
Thanks DonHarry!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Ashlee »

TTournier wrote:
:) but there will be more US runs, this band isn't going away.
SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY. Byyyeeeeeeeeee.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by fix »

TTournier wrote:We will not have this record on streaming services for months after the release.

Tremonti has 6 million hits on Spotify and it has paid out almost nothing. Apple Music is the same.

If I have it my way - we will pull all content from those platforms unless they start to pay us more.

6 million plus plays and we are paid fractions of a cent for each play.
Thanks for the answer Tim! Guess it confirms what I heard about streaming services.
Will, as usual, support Tremonti in the charts any way I can. :)

EDIT; Just read the other stuff back as well. Just wanted to say thanks for all the work you do for Mark and for us! Hopefully we will meet some time so I can tell you in person.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Jhenrid »

Anybody else sad this isn't the album closer anymore? It sounds like its the perfect way to end.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by MylesKennedyIsGod »

Jhenrid wrote:Anybody else sad this isn't the album closer anymore? It sounds like its the perfect way to end.

Totally agree
Thanks DonHarry!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by gazzaab »

Can someone please clarify something for me, someone has posted a photo of the "dust" lyric sheet, have the dust cd lyric sheets been sent yet? I ordered one but am yet to receive a shipping email, so not sure how someone has got a photo of the sheet. Also disappointed if that's the case that someone has dust and not me, I think it may become my favourite tremonti song!

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by austin. »

TTournier wrote:
austin. wrote:Man. I hate to go here, but...

Making the only way people can hear Tremonti is buy buying each and every thing you put out, is crazy.

I remember waiting in line to meet Tremonti after a show once, had my PRS in hand, and you made
Me buy a merch item to get an autograph. After I drove 8 hours one way to Nashville (I explained this to you, you didn't care)

Then, a few years later, I remember seeing Tremonti again, he announced for everyone to get in line to meet him, once you got tired of waiting on the line to die down, I watched you pick up a box of albums, and make people buy them. People quickly explained they didn't have cash, only cards, and you told them they had to leave. I watched this. You got to me, I had 10 dollars in cash to get home on gas. I also explained this. You said sorry man gotta buy a CD or have merch. I said, I have this setlist from the stage, and you said I had to buy merch.

I couldn't not get the setlist signed, so of course I spent my last ten bucks, and you happily took it.

Sorry Man the Mighty isn't making you rich. I know money is important, but it isn't everything. Mark is plenty rich. Sorry you're not.

All this being said, I've bought all the albums, I've drove hours to shows, and it's all like.... "Fuck Apple Music, I'd take it all off if I could"

Luckily I have the albums purchased.

Won't buy another thing from Fret12 label.

You won't get my fractions of a penny ever again, or my gas money. sorry it wasn't enough.

I will not purchase Dust. I will obtain it, but not giving you a fraction of my pennies in the process.

I'll give Mark 10 bucks for it if he ever tours the states again.

Rock on.

Hey Man,

Ok lets do this -

I totally do care and I go out of my way everyday to try and help folks out... I remember you very well.
We do merch M&G's at every show - in order to get in you have to buy a merch item. This is well known and we state it at every show. Mark says this at every show - "we would love to meet everyone who got a merch item tonight - we will be at the merch booth right after the show to sign all of it for ya..." - In JC we said we didn't have a card machine so folks with cards had to hit the ATM ( which I waited for them to do), it happens sometimes but thats out of my control...
If I let you go in the line without merch I have to let everyone go. How is that fair? We have done this at every show - the first three shows we did this for everyone in the venue and it took 3 hours a night. no joke. 3 hours. 3 hours we had to pay overage and we had really pissed of club owners who I have to pay (out of pocket) for their staffs extra 3 hours. One hand has to wash the other and I have to treat everyone the same. You however didn't tell me it was your gas money because if you did I would have told you to not buy a cd and to get home safe. That $10 goes to the gas in the tour bus not my pocket - i get paid the same either way, lets get that clear.

Everyday is the same thing man, most folks follow the rule, some folks try to break the rules but there are rules and its my job to make sure we enforce them. This is for the bands safety as well as your safety and for the benefit of the band. We had a 11pm hard stop that night because of the age limits of the venue and a 12 hour drive to Jacksonville. That means everyone needs to be out or we get a fee - By that point of the night we have told everyone at least 3 times how the M&G works and if I have to tell you again by the time I am working the line someone is either trying to pull a fast one or are totally drunk - both I have zero time for so I say will all due respect one last time how it works and you have to either A. Buy a cd or B. leave. Why should some people get special treatment?

On to the personal jab you tried to make: I am able to play music for a living and i love it - do i pay for my house with it? no - not even close so I work for Mark. I don't pocket the money folks pay for the cd ( which is kinda how you made it sound ) I know I am lucky to work for one of my close friends but I am also very good at my job.

Streaming Service - I said we will not be on them for a while after the release. This is by design - this is also the same way we did it last time and it worked great. We put up a youtube channel with each song uploaded ( its still up under the name "tremonti" ) so folks can still check out the tunes. We did this knowing some people will find out about the band this way but also because this is how we make our living - we have to make money at least to break even so we limit the release to one platform with FREE service. let me repeat that - FREE SERVICE! YouTube works better for us and if its free to you as a fan, isn't that better for you? Please note i never said "fuck Apple" - i in fact said I only use apple...

So go ahead and hate on me if you want dude - I am sorry you don't like me but honestly thats on you. You are upset because I made you follow the well stated rules. If you want to steal from the band, thats on you. I hope you read this and realize just how completely wrong you are.

Enjoy the record - it ill be on YouTube under the channel named tremonti at the time of release.

Tim Tournier

Tim, I sincerely apologize.

No excuses on my part, but, I was drinking last night more than usual, and am sort of bitter as of late. My home was recently robbed and all my Tremonti concert stuff was stolen. The Cd, the picks Mark has personally handed me after rocking out on the rail at a few shows, and so on. Luckily my PRS was at my moms.

You remember me huh? I always wait hours and hours in line, I do everything I can to support the band within my budget. Tremonti is my Metallica, my Dimebag. I'm very confident in saying I'm one of his biggest fans. It's 5am and I'm jamming cauterize on my hour drive to work.

I was being irrational last night, and I can't take back what I said, but in retrospect I didn't mean any of that, I was just being abit belligerent rambling, and I'm very sorry.

Look for a Johnson City sale when Dust hits iTunes, it'll be from me.

Sorry again, I hope you understand.



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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Mr. Slash »

Jesus lawd. I expected everything, but not this. Freaking beautiful.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by phatnonphatness »

Yeah...it's alright. Hate to be a negative nelly but it doesn't sound like anything special to me to be honest.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Ryan »

Excellent! I'll be at work all weekend, but will keep my eyes peeled.

Thanks Tim!
Photobucket cash grab.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by fix »

phatnonphatness wrote:Yeah...it's alright. Hate to be a negative nelly but it doesn't sound like anything special to me to be honest.
I agree. The solo is nice for sure and I think it's a great hooky radio single, excellent choice. But for me this will probably be on the skiplist for the album. I like Tremonti at it's heaviest or darkest.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by mitch103 »

I feel like dust isnt really a song I want to hear by itself as a single, but rather as the song at the the end that wraps everything up, which is why I think it was the perfect choice as the album closer. You appreciate it better in the context of the rest of the album. For the lead off single however I would have pushed for something like betray me.. cant get enough of that chorus and riff.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Drivenunder4 »

TTournier wrote:
Enjoy the record - it ill be on YouTube under the channel named tremonti at the time of release.

Tim Tournier
This may be a little off topic but I just wanted to pop in and say Tim, you obviously are a great business man but props on being a legitimate classy dude as well. That could have went sour fast and I have so much respect for you after reading all your posts in this thread.

I met you once in Mobile, Alabama when I had a lesson with Mark, I thought I knew who you were but I was so caught up in everything I didn't start up much conversation like I wish I had but you allowed my best friend (who credits Human Clay as the album that got him through a rough childhood) to come back and meet Mark with me as there was only other one person in the clinic. We still talk about that experience constantly.
So I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all that you do and not to be weird, but I look up to you man. It's inspiring to see someone living the dream and still remain a great guy
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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by Timotheus »

austinjhnsn wrote:The little bass slide in sync with the cymbal hit at 1:45 is MINT.
Yes! That tone is absolutely delicious. There a beautiful fill a few seconds later as well.
anguyen92 wrote:
Oh well. Deal with it.

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by pokefan_4 »

I guess you can't pre-order anymore when you have apple music. So I can't download the single. Damn it.

Anyone know how to get around apple music and download the single?

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Re: DUST - The Second Part

Post by austinjhnsn »

Timotheus wrote: Yes! That tone is absolutely delicious. There a beautiful fill a few seconds later as well.
Wolfgang kills it on this track. This song is a great example of how well this band meshes together.
Thanks Timo!

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