Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

MidnightToker wrote:I love Indoctrination and Native Son. Two instant AB favorites for me

Probably bottom 3 for me with ITD i feel like it has a stellar intro and goes nowhere for the rest of the song. A solo on both would have a made a big difference

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

anguyen92 wrote:Wow. We actually got some people that weren't here for The Last Hero release to come back for this one.

I'm sad. Like A Dying Machine, that hour really flew by fast. I will go ahead and reiterate my thoughts from when I initially heard it at The Listening Party, but it's mainly the same thoughts. I will add that there's still a lot of heavy elements in this album where AB did not go to the dark route of going super pop like Shinedown, Skillet, Daughtry, etc. has dived into at times in their recent albums. Indoctrination and Native Son are pretty darn heavy. Granted, I think people going to be polarized with Godspeed. I didn't think too much when I heard it at the listening party, but it is growing on me.
Overall, is this their best album ever? As I said in another forum, I don't want to feel like thinking that this is going to be their best album ever, because it's not fair to the other five great albums if it does succeed and it's not fair for Walk the Sky by itself to live up to expectations that it doesn’t need. I always look at the focus and the intent that these guys want to achieve in every album and see if they do it well and able to deliver their intent with their songs and give us great songs to listen to over and over again. When they said that this album was more enlightening than others, they meant every bit of it. Overall, I think they succeed in getting what they want out and it did felt like a more positive and cheery sounding album. Even though they cut down on the amount of the intricate instrumental sections in comparison to prior albums, the songs did feel more concise and I think it has a lot of replay value. I mean I’m certainly going to want to listen to it again and enjoy certain things on it that I couldn’t pick out in the album listening party.
Do I feel like more songs should have been longer and bring more instrumental sections and solos to the fold? Absolutely, but I don't mind them going shorter songs and when you go that route, you got to make every minute count, and AB did just that. I'm still hoping that they can do a double album in the future that can show that they do everything (epics, short radio songs, ballads, acoustic stuff, etc.) and excel. I don't even think any song felt like filler even on songs like The Bitter End and Tear Us Apart. In fact, if they do another show with an
orchestra again, I hope they play The Bitter End. I think it would work excellently. The one minor gripe I have and it's noticeable, I just wish the band would dial down with layering Myles' vocals, since it is unneeded. I'm willing to meet halfway if Elvis would have layered his voice like he did with Year of the Tiger where it felt more subtle as opposed to AB's more in-your-face approach to it if that makes sense.

Still, I think listening to Walk the Sky in its entirety wasn't a huge headache to listen to for me like The Last Hero was at times, from a sonic perspective, so they got that going for them. Overall, I have no issues saying this is my album of the year and only one album really challenges it for me (and it's not Tool or Slipknot or other albums that metalheads would be raving about this year). It's actually from a Jpop artist: Aimer's Sun Dance album, which is also a more positive poppy sounding album from a lyrics album, as oppose to the orchestral dramatic vibes she can bring at times. Funny year for music for me. However, for me, all roads usually lead to AB being on top once again. Bring on the tour and seeing some these songs live. If they do shows in the West Coast, I'll plan a trip to go at least four of them in that coast.

Favorites as of right now: Native Son, Take the Crown, Forever Falling, Walking on the Sky, and Dying Light

Think im the opposite this album i only listen to a few songs at a time because the mix gives me a headache, had no issues with TLH. I think the difference is the synths everything sounds squashed

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Arctic »

AustinH22 wrote:
Arctic wrote:I’m kind of glad the board switched over in 2012, I was 15 when I signed up and if I were to find my post history from 2007 I would probably cringe myself into oblivion, so I wouldn’t sweat it too much lol.

Also I’m pretty impressed the album hasn’t leaked yet, it’s looking like it won’t at all. Im a terrible person so I’ve been googling every day for a download. I think I can manage two more days.
I'm glad it switched too but mostly because I was permabanned on the last board for a certain event that occurred.
I must have missed that one, lol. Lots of drama back in the day though, that’s for sure. :lol

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by DCooper727 »

Can we get some lyrics posted from the people with physical copies?

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by AustinH22 »

Arctic wrote:
AustinH22 wrote:
Arctic wrote:I’m kind of glad the board switched over in 2012, I was 15 when I signed up and if I were to find my post history from 2007 I would probably cringe myself into oblivion, so I wouldn’t sweat it too much lol.

Also I’m pretty impressed the album hasn’t leaked yet, it’s looking like it won’t at all. Im a terrible person so I’ve been googling every day for a download. I think I can manage two more days.
I'm glad it switched too but mostly because I was permabanned on the last board for a certain event that occurred.
I must have missed that one, lol. Lots of drama back in the day though, that’s for sure. :lol
The mods were way too strict back then. We were just trying to have a little fun tbh.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by fix »

Although the Walking On The Sky verse isn't my favourite, I like how it's Myles on lead and Mark on backing vocals together. No Myles clones. Which is refreshing and sounds great!

And the solo in that song sounds awesome!

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by nildiven »

So relieved. Was worried I was going to actually not like an AB album this time around based off the early singles (excluding dying light).

But happy to say it's a solid album. Probably would rank somewhere in the middle for me. I like about 2/3s the songs. I don't think any one song beats the best ones off TLH, but it's definitely more well rounded.

My favs as of a first listen
Forever Falling
Dying Light
Clear Horizon

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by AB23 »

After listening while high, I liked a few songs more the second time. I think my biggest problem with this album is that every single other album before this had like a masterpiece on it. Just a beautiful song altogether. Some of the albums had 2. But this one doesn't. This album is just a lot of good songs, a couple of great ones, and a couple of poor ones.

It's just a strange album. People said it was a "callback to traditional AB." I don't hear that at all except for the lyrical content. It sounds like a Breaking Benjamin/Three Days Grace/Black Stone Cherry all mashed into one.

Pay No Mind and Native Son are my least favorite. Both so choppy, not melodically pleasing. Decent bridge in Native Son.

Clear Horizon is better the 2nd listen, but still not that good imo. The chorus is totally Black Stone Cherry. Sounds just like it.

Indoctrination might be the most confusing song to me. It definitely was one of those songs where Mark and Myles were like "does anyone out there have a chorus?" and they chose the best one. The chorus is awesome, my favorite or 2nd favorite on the album. But the verses... I hate the verses.

Godspeed... I HATED it the first listen, but after listening again, I really love it. What the fuck. It's awesome. Very poppy, so you have to like that sort of thing (I do). Sounds like this could easily be a single, right? It's gotta be. The breakdown of the chorus at the end is my favorite part.

Forever Falling has got a great chorus too. But the sense of urgency you get from the verses... remember when we said one of the singles sounded like it came right out of a Sonic video game? That's what I get out of the verses Mark sings. He sounds incredible.

The Bitter End was my favorite song on the first listen through, and I think it is again. I love it. It's one of those songs that just makes you happy. The ENDING THOUGH. Awesome ending. Just perfect.

Tear Us Apart was alright the first play through, but now it fell a bit for me. Just kinda there... like you feel like they could've done more with it but didn't.

Walking on the Sky is pretty cool sounding. The chorus was pulled straight from Breaking Benjamin's catalogue. It doesn't even sound like an AB song... it sounds like Myles on a BB album.

So several good songs, a couple of great ones, but no masterpieces. No TLH, TSOF, Blackbird, Achilles, Fortress, Calm the Fire, Waters Rising type of songs. Just a good album.

I like that they're experimenting. Is there any single AB album that sounds less like their previous stuff than this one? So many neat things thrown in. BUT MY GOD ELVIS, LEAVE MYLES VOICE ALONE. What percent of this album was Myles voice overdubbed and produced like it came out of a robot's ass? I mean, is 60% being hyperbolic? It felt like it was done in every song. But you hear his voice so well in some songs (last chorus of Godspeed, Forever Falling chorus). You have one of the best voices in the industry, and you just distort it to hell. I hate that he's been doing this the last few albums. It sounds like he's not confident in his own voice, or Elvis isn't. But just leave it alone.

Also a surprising lack of solos in this album compared to the other records. Definitely no incredible ones imo.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by slasherbridge »

More well-rounded is definitely a good way of putting it. The only song I'm struggling with is Take the Crown, and it's only because of the chorus. It just sounds too busy vocally to my ears. Otherwise, this is a very complete record. I have a similar feeling to when I listened to Fortress for the first time. I can't say the same about when I listened to The Last Hero.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Kreuger »

Don't understand the hate for Breathe Again.
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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Macca »

AustinH22 wrote:Forever Falling > Words

Also. What's up Everyone? I'm here for all the people that remember


Not checked out this album yet. I think I only ever listened to The Last Hero once or twice. AB isn't really on my radar much these days. Will check out the album today. Intrigued by people saying its less metal-y as I've always felt AB's strength was in the less heavy tracks.
AllC392Was wrote:How is Macca funny?

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by benjoAB »

Early sales are looking strong with it being no.1 in overall albums not just the rock category in UK, US and NZ, happy days!

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Macca »

Aye yet people will still bitch and moan that Alter Bridge are under appreciated despite being one of the most mainstream and commercially successful bands on the planet
AllC392Was wrote:How is Macca funny?

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by CrowsOnAWire »

Macca wrote:Aye yet people will still bitch and moan that Alter Bridge are under appreciated despite being one of the most mainstream and commercially successful bands on the planet
They are in Europe. Here in the UK it shows when they can sell out two nights with a symphony orchestra at the Royal Albert Hall and end their tour with a sold out show at the O2 Arena which holds 20,000 people.

Looking at their gigs in the States on YouTube it’s such a shame that they are playing small theatres with a couple of thousand people at the most. They deserve to headlining arenas.

To be fair even here in the UK, whilst they have a big fan base and sell out arenas, they don’t get much radio airplay.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by fix »

In the Netherlands they are pretty stagnant tbh. Still the same venue as the Live In Amsterdam/BB days (6k capacity) and still barely selling out (not as of yet, but probably close to the date it will). And this time it's even with Shinedown, who are pretty well known as well I guess.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

AB23 wrote:After listening while high, I liked a few songs more the second time. I think my biggest problem with this album is that every single other album before this had like a masterpiece on it. Just a beautiful song altogether. Some of the albums had 2. But this one doesn't. This album is just a lot of good songs, a couple of great ones, and a couple of poor ones.

It's just a strange album. People said it was a "callback to traditional AB." I don't hear that at all except for the lyrical content. It sounds like a Breaking Benjamin/Three Days Grace/Black Stone Cherry all mashed into one.

Pay No Mind and Native Son are my least favorite. Both so choppy, not melodically pleasing. Decent bridge in Native Son.

Clear Horizon is better the 2nd listen, but still not that good imo. The chorus is totally Black Stone Cherry. Sounds just like it.

Indoctrination might be the most confusing song to me. It definitely was one of those songs where Mark and Myles were like "does anyone out there have a chorus?" and they chose the best one. The chorus is awesome, my favorite or 2nd favorite on the album. But the verses... I hate the verses.

Godspeed... I HATED it the first listen, but after listening again, I really love it. What the fuck. It's awesome. Very poppy, so you have to like that sort of thing (I do). Sounds like this could easily be a single, right? It's gotta be. The breakdown of the chorus at the end is my favorite part.

Forever Falling has got a great chorus too. But the sense of urgency you get from the verses... remember when we said one of the singles sounded like it came right out of a Sonic video game? That's what I get out of the verses Mark sings. He sounds incredible.

The Bitter End was my favorite song on the first listen through, and I think it is again. I love it. It's one of those songs that just makes you happy. The ENDING THOUGH. Awesome ending. Just perfect.

Tear Us Apart was alright the first play through, but now it fell a bit for me. Just kinda there... like you feel like they could've done more with it but didn't.

Walking on the Sky is pretty cool sounding. The chorus was pulled straight from Breaking Benjamin's catalogue. It doesn't even sound like an AB song... it sounds like Myles on a BB album.

So several good songs, a couple of great ones, but no masterpieces. No TLH, TSOF, Blackbird, Achilles, Fortress, Calm the Fire, Waters Rising type of songs. Just a good album.

I like that they're experimenting. Is there any single AB album that sounds less like their previous stuff than this one? So many neat things thrown in. BUT MY GOD ELVIS, LEAVE MYLES VOICE ALONE. What percent of this album was Myles voice overdubbed and produced like it came out of a robot's ass? I mean, is 60% being hyperbolic? It felt like it was done in every song. But you hear his voice so well in some songs (last chorus of Godspeed, Forever Falling chorus). You have one of the best voices in the industry, and you just distort it to hell. I hate that he's been doing this the last few albums. It sounds like he's not confident in his own voice, or Elvis isn't. But just leave it alone.

Also a surprising lack of solos in this album compared to the other records. Definitely no incredible ones imo.

Sometimes you just gotta smoke a doobie and listen. Makes things better.

Elvis absolutely messes with Myles way to much in to many places, when its pure Myles like the versus in Walking On The Sky where its just so damn good it makes you wonder why he does. I always say less is more hell i reckon Mark even sounds borderline auto tuned in FF in places. Some of those notes sound unnatural to me and once again why ? Apparently Myles growls in one of the songs not that you could hear it anyway.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by LosingPatience »

Kreuger wrote:Don't understand the hate for Breathe Again.

One of the best songs on ABIII imo

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by Arctic »

I never really liked Waters Rising as much as a lot of fans, I think Forever Falling destroys it.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by fix »

LosingPatience wrote:Apparently Myles growls in one of the songs not that you could hear it anyway.
Indoctrination, starts at 0:55. It's more of an effect. Distorted and very breathy 'ooooooaaaaaaahhhhwwww' kinda thing.

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Re: Walk The Sky Reaction Thread

Post by RevenantGB »

Yeah, it's more accurately just a vocal fry than an actual growl.
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