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Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:52 pm
by JaredWard
Does wanting a "tighter live show" count? I would really like to see/hear that in the near future. Also lyrically... less depressing themes. I really hope Myles is over his "losing faith" faze.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 5:29 pm
by Scarface
An instrumental song that shows the talent of all of the guys (Mark's and Myles' guitar skills, Flip's drumming skills, and Brian's bass skills). I figure that both Flip and Brian have some great chops when it comes to their instrument. Los Lonely Boys do something similar when they perform "Onda" live. Sort of like a jam. But that's just me.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:53 pm
by gbruin
Scarface wrote:i know it is being said a lot, but I think they SHOULD take their time and not rush the next album
Yeah, you have a great point, and I think we'd all like that. I'm sure, though, that the guys don't view the way they do an album as being rushed, even if some comparisons might make it seem that way. I'm pretty old around here, so I remember bands taking 6 months minimum to write and record an album, because they would tour for a year or two, and recording equipment was analog and bulky, and maybe they'd have ideas but they didn't have a digital catalog of riffs and choruses and bridges and other ideas all ready to go when they got together to do the next record. Back then, every writing/recording session basically was starting from scratch.

Looking at the way the guys work now, with their other projects essentially being "different" musically from AB, they can write "AB material" and have a ton of stuff ready to mix and match when they get together, and it expedites the writing process. I'm not saying it's better or worse that way, but it does seem to streamline the process of making new records, so it may look rushed in comparison to other methods.

I'm sure the 4 of them would say they aren't rushing the process. The only way to be sure though would be to make sure they had no deadlines once they start writing, and I don't know if all the outside projects leave AB's schedule that open ended that they can spend as much time as they want on an AB record.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:32 am
by Nick
At the same time, some bands have thrived under deadlines and tight schedules. When the due date is coming up quickly, there's no time to waver about what's good and what isn't, what should or shouldn't be left out, or which direction should be taken. They just have to go. Obviously, people are different and that pressure can buckle some and for others, it's just the thrust needed to pull the trigger on creating some great music. Depending on the people and the circumstance, having a lot of extra time can be just end up being used to second guess oneself or let a creative spark wane. Some people need to be pushed.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:04 am
by FutureShredder
A bass solo from Brian, a drum part like on FTR where Flip plays a part similar to what Tremonti is playing on guitar (always thought that was cool), and Tremonti switching up how he ends his solos, it seems he always has some sort of downward legato runs (more like BNS and Leave It Alone). I also agree about trying a different producer, the echoey crap has been overdone. There's so much that could be done to alter/improve songs that I feel we don't get to experience because we are trapped in a creative box with the same Ideas by staying with Elvis. Don't get me wrong, BB was my favorite album, but it'd be nice to see them switch it up.

I liked the way the Myles added depth to the songs with his little fills and vibrato/bends on BB. I felt disappointed with AB3, there are a few that I really liked on there, but most of them just seemed lacking.

I agree with Jared, the depressing theme of AB3 is a little overwhelming, and if you had any hope before listening to it, you will probably be a little apathetic after listening to it.

Myles should remain as the lead vox. Tremonti is a decent singer, but I felt that most of his songs sounded similar/didn't differentiate the songs very much vocally. Myles needs to utilize his range, and get away from the way he sings with Slash, I'm happy he had this opportunity but the dude needs a break to rest those golden vocal cords (and to release his freakin' solo album already!).

Just to switch things up... Flip and/or Marshall should sing a song...

They should release all B-sides on Itunes (especially On My Way Now...)

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:42 am
by phatnonphatness
I'd really like to see Brian get more involved in the writing process. I have a feeling that if that were to happen, the songs wouldn't turn out so clustered and compact like they are now and they'd have a lot more room to breathe.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 4:45 am
by agny
For all the attention that Mark and Myles on guitar get in Blackbird (title track), I also love the transitional section where you can clearly hear Flip and a few spare notes from Brian.

So I guess that's a vote for more songs where you can clearly hear each instrument and the interplay between them. Works great live too.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:25 pm
by claudiocc
Definitely agree with the possibility of hearing more of the single instruments and breathe throughout a song, a more like Blackbird, or a crescendo like Burn it Down. In fact I don't like two of the hits of AB , Rise Today and Isolation because I feel they are too much the same all along their entirity and "too full" if you know what I mean.
I'd love to hear more guitar work also which don't have to be a solo.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:25 pm
by gbruin
FutureShredder wrote: They should release all B-sides on Itunes (especially On My Way Now...)
Yes! We'd all be okay with it if this happened today.

And I always agree with what claudiocc suggests.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 6:30 pm
by One Drew Remains
I totally agree that the song need to breathe more. I love the end of Show Me A Sign where they just play (after the solo). That's like the only part of the album where Flip gets to be creative with his parts.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 12:21 pm
by Crumbso
I know, I love the solo and everything after it on Show Me A Sign. I just wish the whole song could breathe like that. It's much more interesting. It's also the only solo on ABIII, with the exception of Home, that I think is properly up there with other Tremonti solos.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 9:17 pm
by One Drew Remains
I dunno. I really like the whole middle section (solo included) of AHIG. And even though he butchers it live, I like the solo to Couer D'alene.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 8:59 am
by joey78
AB23 wrote:i just wish theyd stop trying to do different things. alter bridge are not and can not be a hardcore metal band. stick with the uplifting, workout type songs imo. one day remains, metalingus, come to life, white knuckles should be as metal as it gets
I second this. They tried to get a little bittle more metal on ABIII and i'd rather they go back to their ODR/BB type stuff.

ABII may not have been hardcore metal but it is definitely way more heavier than their first 2 records.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 9:02 am
by joey78
gbruin wrote:The only way to be sure though would be to make sure they had no deadlines once they start writing,
the sad fact is they do have deadlines. Ask Myles/Mrk and they will tell you by when they need to start recording the next album and by when they need to have it released.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:44 pm
by Cariocawlad
I would like to hear a classic Rock and Roll from them, with Mark playing some blues solos and Myles writting something lyrics with a dangerous way of live like Anastasia. A instrumental song would be fine too!

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:07 am
by joey78
msaeler wrote:Let me make this easy. MORE BALLADS. its the strength of the band! The Blackbird album was so great for that reason. Some could be considered more anthem like, but the point is 'we the fans' do want blackbird 2 of sorts. Brand New Start and Watch Over You are 2 songs that really stick out on the record and truly display the strongest points of the band. Also, myles shredding. More solos from myles is key! vocal and guitar. Flex your muscles brother no one can touch you and whether he believes it or is for the sake of music!
You're the first person on here that's said this and this is SO TRUE.

ODR and Blackbird had their fair share of ballads/slow songs and the band was so great on them.

Broken Wings, In Loving Memory, Burn it Down, Shed my Skin, Watch over You, Brand New Start, Blackbird

This is the band's strength and in particular this is Myles' strength. These slow songs are where Myles' voice really shines.

For some reason they went a little bit heavier and faster on ABIII,

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:27 am
by Rosenblaetter
True, boys.
There are ballads and there are ballads.

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:14 am
by Ubik
Blackbird's a ballad but Ghost of Days Gone By, Wonderful Life, Breathe Again and Life Must Go On aren't?

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:38 pm
by Andy92
Saw on Facebook where Michael said Mark has been working on ideas for the next album, and he's sent some of those pieces to Myles. The creation is beginning guys...

Re: The 4th Album

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 1:59 pm
by anguyen92
Andy92 wrote:Saw on Facebook where Michael said Mark has been working on ideas for the next album, and he's sent some of those pieces to Myles. The creation is beginning guys...
Confirmed on his twitter.
